XOR Sequence

Online coding questions

Prem Mallappa

6 minute read

Started as an an effort to teach programming to the fresh-grads, here . Not that this is the ultimate way to do it, rather one of the approach to a given problem.

The Problem

It is stated in here XOR-Sequence that given a sequence of array ‘A’ of size N, whose contents are as follows. Assumed array index is ‘i’.

A[0] = 0
A[1] = 1 (A[0] ^ i, i = 1)
A[2] = 3 (A[1] ^ i, i = 2)
A[4] = 0 (A[2] ^ i, i = 3)
A[N] = '' (A[N-1] ^ i, i = N)

Given values ’S’ and ‘E’, for Start and End respectively, find out

A[S] ^ A[S+1] ^ A[S+2] ^ .... ^ A[E-1] ^ A[E]

Let the computer do the work

In order to know what the sequence look like, I wrote a simple program, which generates given sequence to a known number. Say for eg 6, it will generate sequence upto i=6

package main
import ("fmt")
func main() {
	var n, lastXOR uint64
	fmt.Scanf("%d", &n);
	for i:=uint64(0) ; i < n; i++ {
		fmt.Printf("%2d, ", lastXOR^i)
		lastXOR ^= i

Please note this program may run for longer time if larger integers are given, but we get the essence of it just by running it for smaller number like < 100.

$ echo 28 | go run xorgen.go

Voila ..

 0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24, 25, 26, 27  28
 0,  1,  3,  0,  4,  1,  7,  0,  8,  1, 11,  0, 12,  1, 15,  0, 16,  1, 19,  0, 20,  1, 23,  0, 24,  1, 27,  0, 28
 ^               ^               ^               ^               ^               ^               ^               ^
 |               |               |               |               |               |               |               |

First Implementation

Of course, my first implementation failed miserably with large input sequence.

func getXOR(start, end int) int {
    var lastXOR int
    for ; start < end; start++ {
        lastXOR ^= start
    return lastXOR

For most of the test cases it didn’t even computed results to full extent, on my laptop it ran for 2 hours for an input sequence. Online system times out with a compute-intensive operation like above.

269656199  494630864
130226563  341217047
731964916  832420216
542340130  797666540
23301452   870008140
380088525  890526489
187177803  354216263
615371739  904830084
37808192   762275257
269603062  408398609
15763251   94286582
602143487  683191883
524044437  648225039
10725691   939564919
415709950  439717791
29711842   652998599
81933645   201678107
254074327  383133442
5665651    179364774

Looks like there is definitely something we can do so that it is computed with O(1)

XOR patterns

We have all learnt at one time or the other in our lives about Bitwise XOR operation

0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0

Also we see a repeated pattern, if (i MOD 4) result of all the XOR operation is equal to ‘i’, Just to remind, ‘i’ is the index of array In other words, at i,

when (i MOD 4 == 0), A[i] == i
when (i MOD 4 == 1), A[i] == 1
when (i MOD 4 == 2), A[i] == i + 1
when (i MOD 4 == 3), A[i] == 0

Also when i MOD 4 == 0, and

i ^ i+1 ^ i+2 ^ i+3 = 2

Given the above pattern, we can split the entire sequence into 4 integers sequence, starting at first multiple of 4 after start

We know that,

a ^ 0 = a
a ^ a = 0
a ^ b ^ c = (a ^ b) ^ c

For example, if start=29 and end = 82 we can split the entire sequence leaving out 29-31, and 80-82 as they do not make up to the 4th number slot.

32-35   -- A1
36-39   -- A2
40-43   -- A3 
44-47   -- A4
76-79   -- A9

Hence we can write the sequence as (again leaving out 29-31 and 80-82)

A1 ^ A2 ^ A3 ^ A4 ^...^ A9

we can check that, each slot (A1, A2 … here, XOR upto 2)

32 ^ 33 ^ 34 ^ 35 = 2

And we know that each of Axis 2 from above.

All we have to calculate is A1 ^...^ A9 is odd or even number of slots. Because, if we have odd number the result of A1 ^ A2 ^ .... ^ (2*An + 1) is 2

Finally if there are even number of slots, it results to 0 as A1=2 and A2=2 A1 ^ A2 = 0 every send term cancels the one before it.

In our example, we just have to calculate A[29] ^ A[30] ^ A[31] and A[80] ^ A[81] ^ A[82], each of the elements have fixed values from our very first program which implements crude way of XOR’ing.

A[28] = 28
A[29] = 1      <--+
A[30] = 31        |- XOR
A[31] = 0      <--+ 


O(1) means the code runs in constant time. In our above example, we see if we isolate the first and last slots, the in-between slots only contribute as 0 or 2 depending on if number slots are even or odd respectively

The Code

Following code gets the last slot XORed’

func getLastXOR(start uint64) uint64 {
	var lastXOR uint64 = 0
	idx := start % 4
	switch idx {
	case 3:
		lastXOR = 2
	case 2:
		lastXOR ^= (start + 1)
	case 1:
		lastXOR ^= 1
	case 0:
		lastXOR ^= start
	return lastXOR

This one calculates the first slot

func getNextXOR(start uint64) uint64 {
	var nextXOR uint64
	idx := start % 4
	switch idx {
	case 0:
		nextXOR = 2
	case 1:
		nextXOR ^= 1
	case 2:
		nextXOR ^= start + 1
	case 3:
		nextXOR ^= 2

	return nextXOR

This one calculates the number of slots if odd or even and adjust the start to next available multiple of 4. As well as adjust the end to previous availble multiple of 4.

func calculate(start, end uint64) uint64 {
	newstart := start
	if start%4 != 0 {
		newstart = start + 4 - start%4
	newend := end - end%4
	diff := newend - newstart
	div := diff / 4 % 2
	if div != 0 { // even slots
		return getNextXOR(start) ^ getLastXOR(end)
	// odd number of slots
	return getNextXOR(start) ^ getLastXOR(end) ^ 2

=== OVER AND OUT ===